I am attempting to record my running adventures while chasing my goal of running the Western States 100. I want to chronicle the joy of running with friends, the fun of running alone, and the excitement of running trails.

I run primarily in the Houston area, which suffers from a trail deficiency. I also spend some time in the Austin area. I love to race and I enjoy using races as training runs for other races. Occassionally, I will get over excited on my "training race/runs" and run too fast (go figure). Luckily, I have a trail-ultra running husband who understands this craziness and tries to keep me grounded (not to mention hydrated, rested, and paced properly.)

I want to share my ups and downs, my successes and failures and try to keep motivated to my ultimate goal. Plus, if I share all of my bone-headed mistakes with you-- you will not have to make them!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Jen's status

We are Foresthill aid station where we take the shuttle bus to Michigan Bluff aid station where we will Jen for the first time today. It is 3:53pm PST and Jen has run 43.8 miles and will soon complete 47.8 miles. By all accounts she is keeping a steady pace. As always Jen had a plan and it seems she is sticking with it.

Bruce and Denise have caught the shuttle bus to meet Jen at Michigan Bluff. And Allen and Becky await Jen at Foresthill. Actually Allen will pick Jen up at Bath aid station approx 1 mile down the road. Allen will stay with Jen through Green Gate aid station where Bruce will take over and run her to the finish line.

The weather is warm here in Foresthill but not nearly as warm as last year, so we are told. By the time Jen gets her she will be hot and tired. But after a fresh change of clothes and some encouraging words from Team JETT, we will send her off with Allen.

We will try to post another update later this evening/night but we will have much to do tonight to make sure we arrive at each aid station before Jen does. You can track her on the live webcast and of course Bruce, Allen and Becky will post updates on Facebook.

On behalf of Jen thanks for all the encouraging emails, calls and text messages. We will pass on all the good wishes and hugs to her as soon as we see her.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Count Down to Race Day!!

We have just returned to the hotel after the mandatory medical check, runner check-in and trail briefing. It was quite exciting to get checked-in and receive the infamous wrist band.

I have a few hours to relax, before having a very early dinner- then a couple of hours rest before tomorrow morning. Check in is between 4 and 4:50 AM. Tomorrow morning we have one more medical check and then we are off and running at 5:00 AM! I have a couple of photos to add, but my apple devices and blogger are not working well together. More to follow.....

The crew/pacing team is already proving to be invaluable. :) Lucky me.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Team J.E.T.T. Crew Meeting 06/11/11

From Left to Right: Marilyn, Denise, Me, Bruce, Allen and Becky
Team J.E.T.T. (Jennifer Evans' Trail Team) met at Empire Cafe' to discuss logistics for the upcoming WS run.  We discussed all that we could think of for the race, assigned specific duties to crew members; made lists and generally got excited about our upcoming trip.  We also discussed some of the specific things that I would like the crew to do for me during the race (there is more than you would think- I am going to be pretty demanding).

Crew: Becky, Denise and Marilyn
Pacers: Allen (Foresthill to Green Gate- approx. miles 60-80) and Bruce (Green Gate to Finish Line approx. miles 80-100)

I am so fortunate to have a group of dedicated friends willing to fly to California, stay up all night, drive around on small mountain roads, tend to a cranky runner, coordinate tons of gear, corral a couple of great pacers, and make sure I get to the finish line.  I can never say thank you enough.

As for my two pacers- the mere fact that you guys are willing to run 20 miles on this difficult trail (some of it in the dark) to make sure I am safe and on pace to finish....well, I can never express my gratitude adequately. You are wonderful people and I am lucky to have you in my life.  Allen, this will be the second time that you are pacing me to finish a 100 miles- you are terrific.  I am amazed that you are willing to do it again- I was pretty cranky the first time.  Bruce- you have been incredible.  You have organized meetings, made travel arrangements, ordered t-shirts and helped me try to remember everything.  Thank you so much- I love you lots.

Ok, enough sappy stuff.  Let's get this show on the road and DO THIS THING.  Hopefully under 27 hours, but definitely under 30! 

Last Training Run 06/11/11 !!!!

Where: Huntsville State Park
When: 5:00 am
Start temperature: 74 degrees, 92% humidity

End time: 2:15 pm
End Temperature: 96 degrees, 32% humidity (Devil's Thumb here I come!!)

Total run time: 8 hours 10 minutes
End Mileage: 39 miles!!!

Bruce and I decided to go to Huntsville State Park to run since it was my last long run before WS 100.  I was advised by my coach, Tim Neckar (and others) that one more push would ensure that I am ready.  Allen made the drive and joined us to start at 5:00 am.  Bruce and Allen were running 20 miles, and I was going to run the remainder on my own when they were done.  I also figured that the heat of the day would allow some additional heat acclimation before WS.

We started in the dark, the sun did not rear it's head until about 6 am.  That was also beneficial to have some of that good night-time running.  I remembered that I really do not like running in the dark, but we made it through.  The dark slowed us down for that first hour, and the humidity was stifling.  Not to mention the spiderwebs!! There must be thousands of hungry spiders out there, as we knocked down web after web.  The guys were done at about 10:30 and I had 19 or so more miles to do.  We were doing 10-11 mile loops and coming back to the car for replenishment of water/food.  With the high humidity and heat, this was about right.  I knew that I was going to be out there for a long time, so when we came in for refreshments, I really took my time and relaxed before I headed out for the next loop. 

I was surprised that I was not as negatively affected by the heat as I had thought I would be.  It helped a lot that the humidity dropped as the temperature rose.  I could tell that it was really hot on the last loop, but I stayed in the shade most of the time and just continued to push. I felt pretty good at the end, amazingly with no aches or pains.  My legs were not even sore- I felt like I had just run a easy 20.  I think that I really did the right thing and did not push my pace. 

Lessons Learned: 

1. Pacing is important - especially in the beginning of a long run.  SLOW down and take it easy. 
2. Espresso Gel all over your pacer's face is a hilarious way to forget how hot/tired you are.
3. Taking in a LOT more nutrition has had a serious POSITIVE effect.  (gel every 40 minutes- and real food at aid stations)
4. If you start feeling tired- it is likely time to eat more GU
5. Pringles and Coke are hands down the BEST aid station food in the world
6. Brooks Cascadia Trail Shoes and Wright Socks are the right combination for me (not one blister/ issue)
7. Huntsville State Park really is flat.....who knew?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Western States Training Run - Day 3

So this is where the determination to finish overrides your body's desire to stop. When we got up this morning, Bruce and I could tell that we had run two hard days in a row. My calves were killing me with each step. Allen was sore too- but to a lesser degree and Denise seemed to be fine at breakfast. Today we were running the last 20 miles of the course from Green Gate to the finish at Placer High School. This will be Bruce's section to run with me on race day. We both really wanted to see this section, but we were both still pretty sore.

We learned why the downhills stop being a welcome sight and become something that you dread. My calves were screaming as we started down the first 2 miles (all that powering uphill had come back to haunt me!!!).   I decided to run with Bruce and Allen for this run. We had a new video camera and they had been using it the other days. I wanted to run with them to take some video, be in some of it, and to try to take it easy on the last day. Also, I did not know if I was capable if running much faster than the pace that we were keeping. This is a pretty tough section of the trail. It was also some of the most beautiful sections of trail. After a few miles, all of us started to loosen up and feel a little bettter. It was the warmest day that we had so far and it was taking it's toll. We kept going and tried to cheer each other by picking on each other - but even that was no good sometimes.

No Hands Bridge was a welcomed sight for all of us. We trotted across like it was the finish line. We got some refreshment at the aid station and headed in to the finish. Another cruel WS joke, the last 3.5 miles from No Hands Bridge is uphill!! WTF? We all made it in between 5:30 and 5:45. Not bad for 22 miles of difficult terrain after 2 consecutive days of running. No fanfare, no bands playing- just a few volunteers sitting there saying "good job." :)

Denise came in with the sweepers and another friend she had made in the trail. We all had such a good time but it was some of the hardest running that we had ever done. BEST TRAINING RUN EVER!

Mistakes: Powering uphill to aggressively the first 2 days (poor calves)
Not washing poison ivy off right away!!!! Can't stress this enough!

Terrain/course: technical, some pavement at end. Hilly, mountainous

Hydration/ nutrition: experimented with taking in more gel- good results. Every 40-45 mins

Issues: 2 small blisters on heels after 2 day. No pain, monitor in future.

Western States Training Run - Day 2

After the great day of running that we had on Saturday, we were all looking forward to Sunday. We were running the section that Allen will pace me in WS. We got a chance to see this section in the daylight, as next time we run it will be in the dark. This time we were running it in the correct direction- which essentially meant that it was a downhill day. Downhill was a welcome change after the first day of climbs. Denise decided to do this run- so we all set off on Sunday morning.

I was not feeling too bad from the previous days run. Although I did notice that my calves were pretty tight. Later I realized that this was from powering up the uphill sections so aggressively. Of course I discovered that much much too late to actually do anything about it.

This time we started at Foresthill elementary and we were going to be bused back to the start at the end of the run. I wisely left a drop bag of dry clothes at the finish- the weather was still pretty cool most of the day. It warmed up to the 70s but when you finished you would get really cold if you were standing around in wet clothes. Also, due to the mountainous terrain, the weather fluctuated- it would be cold one minute and hot the next and go back to cold without any real warning. Not to mention that Saturday and Sunday it rained in the afternoon (unexpectedly) and the temps dropped like a rock.

This was certainly a downhill section. I tried to run it well, without overdoing it. I tried to concentrate on leaning forward and really attacking the downhills. My plan was to try to save my quads- as this was so runnable. I managed to keep a pretty steady pace for most of the run. The scenery was simply gorgeous. I am so sorry that I will not get to enjoy it as much next time- but at least I had it this time. I met and talked to a lot of runners along the way some of them were running WS but a fair number of locals were just out enjoying the course. I finished the 19 miles in just under 4 hours. Not bad at all- considering I was going to catch the first shuttle bus of the day. Oh yeah- there was also a very steep 3 miles uphill to the finish. So you are having this great day of running downhill, only to have a 3 miles section up at the end. Tough!!!

I went to get the car and followed the bus back- just in time to grab Bruce and Allen who had finished. They were looking great and had already chowed down on the hot dogs at the finish line. We sat in the car and waited for Denise. We did not know if she was going to be happy after that 3 miles uphill- but as usual she came in with a huge smile and a bunch of new trail friends. Denise is an angel on the trails to runners who are feeling down- she cheers and coaxes them to the end. I am counting on her to do the same for me at WS.

Just as we were pulling out to leave, the RD (Greg) asked if we could give a runner a ride to the school- so he would not have to wait for the bus. We told him we were going the opposite direction and we started to leave-- thought about it and told the runner to jump in. Turns out that he is running WS this year, his name is Carson. He is.... let's say a senior runner....70+ years old- trying to finish again. He was a wealth of information. Mainly he helped bolster my argument that Bruce and Allen were not taking in enough nutrition. I had been telling them that they were not taking enough gel and Carson agreed. We dropped him off and headed back to the hotel.

My legs were pretty tired, but the thought of an ice bath was more than I could handle. Bruce took an ice bath after the first two days of running. I took a warm soak with epsom salt. I was really cold at the end of these runs and it took forever for my body temperature to regulate. I was also starting to feel the beginnings of poison ivy/oak starting to irritate my skin. More on that later.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Western states training runs - Memorial weekend Day 1

So, last week we headed to California to run the Western States training runs. By "we" I mean Bruce, Allen, Denise, and me. We were running 30 miles on Saturday, 20 miles on Sunday and another 20 on Monday. We were doing all of this on the actual race course for Western States. This run gives runners an idea of what to expect on race day. Also, you get to run the portions of the trail that you will be doing in the dark on race day.

Bruce and I arrived at about 8:30 pm and met Denise and Allen at the car rental counter. We then made a quick stop at the grocery for running supplies. We finally got to the hotel and ready for bed at about 11 pm. The buses for the next day's run left at 7:30 - so we still got a fair amount of rest.

First morning! Excitement in the air. It was a chilly 48 degrees. We were informed that due to the large quantities of snow in the high country, we would have to run an alternate route that did not include "Devil's Thumb." Devil's thumb is the hardest climb and the place where most people drop out of the race. It is a psychological advantage to do it in training. I will not have that luxury.

Me, Tim, Bruce and Allen (in back)
We are all standing around and we see Tim Twietmeyer standing at the start. Bruce is his FB friend and Tim knew we were coming. We got some photos, training tips, and we were off on the buses. Denise opted to volunteer that day (which would turn out to be a fabulous choice- she was a mover and shaker and made lots of important contacts. Not to mention all the training, crewing and running tips.) When we got off of the bus, it was just go whenever you want. Bruce, Allen, and I take off. Next thing I know, we are running with Tim Twietmeyer!! I know that I am a trail running geek- but it was really fun to run next to one of the best for the first two miles. Bruce and Allen decided to run together and I headed off on my own. I met a lot of great people on the trail- everyone has a tip or two about running "States."

We ran from Green gate to Foresthill, then up to Michigan Bluff, turned around and came back to Foresthill. Essentially, we ran part of the course In the reverse direction and then came back. At least we got a lot of climbing! Allen claims that it was 80/20 climbing to downhill (of course for the rest of the weekend everything was 80/20 or 20/80 according to Allen). I don't know about all that- but it was a LOT of climbing. I came in at 6:33, 30.5 tough miles; I even finished in front of Tim! (Of course he stopped for over an hour at aid stations....but still). :).

We all spotted Gordy Ainsliegh (founder of the race) on the trails going in the opposite direction.  Bruce and Allen stopped to chat and pose for photos on the trail (see photo on right).  Bruce finished in 8:30- Allen decided to stop at 18 (which may not have been such a bad idea when considering it as only the first day.) In all- an excellent run.

Course: Mountainous/ very hilly
Terrain: Moderate to very technical
Mistakes: Not washing off poison ivy right away (this will bite later- literally)
Lessons: My running coach's hill workouts do pay off. I passed tons of people on the uphills. Thanks Tim Neckar!!