I am attempting to record my running adventures while chasing my goal of running the Western States 100. I want to chronicle the joy of running with friends, the fun of running alone, and the excitement of running trails.

I run primarily in the Houston area, which suffers from a trail deficiency. I also spend some time in the Austin area. I love to race and I enjoy using races as training runs for other races. Occassionally, I will get over excited on my "training race/runs" and run too fast (go figure). Luckily, I have a trail-ultra running husband who understands this craziness and tries to keep me grounded (not to mention hydrated, rested, and paced properly.)

I want to share my ups and downs, my successes and failures and try to keep motivated to my ultimate goal. Plus, if I share all of my bone-headed mistakes with you-- you will not have to make them!

Monday, September 20, 2010

***** Change of Plans ******

 In the words of John Lennon, "Life is what happens to you while you were busy making other plans." I HAD a great race schedule all lined up for this season.  I had planned a good training base with a hard effort at the end to try for a PR 100 miler at Rocky Raccoon in February. 

I have been offered the opportunity to do a fellowship with a national organization in Washington D.C. for the next (7) months.  This is a tremendous opportunity that only comes along once in a lifetime.  Thank goodness I have the most understanding husband when it comes to career opportunities!  Bruce is behind me 100% and I have accepted the position.  Needless to say, my racing plans are going to be different.  I will not be running the races that I planned, but will have to shift to some races that are closer to DC rather than in Texas.


  1. Congratulations Jennifer!! Sounds like a FABULOUS opportunity. :)

  2. Thanks. It is going to be interesting. More time for Bruce to spend in DC!
