I am attempting to record my running adventures while chasing my goal of running the Western States 100. I want to chronicle the joy of running with friends, the fun of running alone, and the excitement of running trails.

I run primarily in the Houston area, which suffers from a trail deficiency. I also spend some time in the Austin area. I love to race and I enjoy using races as training runs for other races. Occassionally, I will get over excited on my "training race/runs" and run too fast (go figure). Luckily, I have a trail-ultra running husband who understands this craziness and tries to keep me grounded (not to mention hydrated, rested, and paced properly.)

I want to share my ups and downs, my successes and failures and try to keep motivated to my ultimate goal. Plus, if I share all of my bone-headed mistakes with you-- you will not have to make them!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am so happy to report that: I AM BACK BABY! 

I was able to run this morning at Memorial Park, and (more importantly) was able to keep my usual pace.  I ran my ususal five and did not feel that I was going to die.  I think that I have finally kicked the cold out of my body.  I am looking forward to this weekend--  I have a half-marathon in Whicita Falls that Allen promises is challenging.  BRING IT ON.  :-)


  1. Do you wear your fuel belt on shorter runs too?

  2. No. When I run less than an hour, I do not wear a water belt or carry water. I just drink something immediately after the run. I usually carry handheld bottles (2- 20 oz.) when I run long (one in each hand). I have not worn my fuel belt in a long time and I find it irritating now. I want to toy with a Nathan/Camel Back type system for my longer runs later in the season.
