I am attempting to record my running adventures while chasing my goal of running the Western States 100. I want to chronicle the joy of running with friends, the fun of running alone, and the excitement of running trails.

I run primarily in the Houston area, which suffers from a trail deficiency. I also spend some time in the Austin area. I love to race and I enjoy using races as training runs for other races. Occassionally, I will get over excited on my "training race/runs" and run too fast (go figure). Luckily, I have a trail-ultra running husband who understands this craziness and tries to keep me grounded (not to mention hydrated, rested, and paced properly.)

I want to share my ups and downs, my successes and failures and try to keep motivated to my ultimate goal. Plus, if I share all of my bone-headed mistakes with you-- you will not have to make them!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

30 Mile Training Run- Huntsville State Park

What could be better than 30 miles in the beautiful forest of Huntsville State Park?  Along the way I saw 5 deer, 2 armadillos, numerous butterflies, and "smelled" a nearby skunk (who would have been given right-of-way if I actually saw him).  The weather was nice at the start and Bruce ran the first 8 miles with me (Primarily in the dark-which is great considering I am a big chicken when it comes to running in the woods in the dark.) We started around 5:30 am and it was cooler, but still a bit humid.

The humidity lightened once the sun came up- but the cooler temps stayed around.  We ran the first loop (8 miles) together, then I headed out for a 10.5 mile loop alone (without music- stupid ipod stopped working).   I spent a lot of time on that loop focusing on my new Garmin GPS watch.  I was driving myself crazy focusing on time/distance/speed- as I was a little bored.  As the morning wore on, there were more people on the trails- runners, bikers, and hikers. I would amuse myself by making small talk with people who passed me or people that I passed on the trails. 

I determined that there was no way that I was ever going to be able to run 100 miles, because I was sooooo tired and my right hip was killing me- this was about 14 miles into the run. I was thinking "I am not even at 20 miles- which is only 1/5 of 100 miles! I may actually die attempting this."  I noticed that I was "favoring" the sore hip and adding more weight on my left side.  I made a conscious effort to run with an even gait and stop favoring the right side. It hurt more initially to do this, but then the pain seemed to subside.  Amazingly- my hip stopped hurting at some point (or went numb) and I was able to finish that lap.  It was close to 10 o'clock when I headed out for the last 10.5 mile loop.

The temps were still pretty nice and I was no longer in pain.  I was also MUCH happier since Bruce loaned me his ipod.  HEAVENLY. Instead of focusing on how far I had already run- I just focused on how much was left.  I even found myself with an unexplainable burst of energy about 3 miles from the finish.  I may have been happy that I was near the end.  As I completed the run, I decided that I MIGHT be able to do 100 miles, but it was going to be a challenge.

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